Dog Life & Travel – Mamyʼs Pet Wed, 10 Jan 2024 18:58:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Dog Life & Travel – Mamyʼs Pet 32 32 Winter Сare Tips for Cats and Dogs Tue, 14 Mar 2023 10:27:52 +0000 The fall and winter seasons pose unique challenges for pet owners. It’s essential to ensure that your dogs and cats are well-prepared and protected from the cold weather. This comprehensive guide covers all aspects of pet care during these colder months.

General Health and Wellness in Cold Weather

Preventive care is crucial in the colder months. Schedule veterinary check-ups in the fall to catch any health issues that might worsen in cold weather. Vaccinations and deworming are important for both cats and dogs as they prepare to face the winter months.

At home, adjust your pet’s diet to account for increased energy expenditure in cold weather. Dogs and cats burn more calories to maintain body heat. Increase their food intake slightly, focusing on a balanced diet rich in carbohydrates and proteins. However, monitor their weight closely to avoid obesity.

Special Considerations for Cats in Winter

Many cats have access to the outdoors throughout the year. Their tolerance for cold weather varies based on breed, fur length, and health.

cats in winter

Cats with short fur or health issues should have limited outdoor exposure in winter to avoid respiratory problems like pneumonia or kidney infections. Outdoor cats generally grow thicker coats in winter, providing them with natural insulation. However, gradual acclimatization to cold temperatures is essential.

For those who worry about their cats at night, consider installing a cat flap for free movement. If that’s not an option, create a warm, insulated outdoor shelter with materials like polystyrene, straw, and blankets.

Be cautious about water bodies like ponds in winter. Thin ice can be a hazard, so consider fencing off these areas. Also, be careful with cat clothing or collars, as they can lead to accidents if the cat gets caught.

Winter Care for Dogs

Dogs, especially those that spend a lot of time outdoors, require specific care in winter. Apply protective ointments or balms to their paws to shield them from cold surfaces, ice, and harmful substances like road salt.

dogs in winter

For active dogs or those involved in dog sports, consider special footwear like “valenki” boots to protect their paws. However, this might not be necessary for everyday walks in urban areas.

Keep your dog active and moving during walks to maintain warmth. For small, old, or thinly-coated dogs, invest in functional, warm clothing. Avoid letting your dog play with snowballs or sticks, as these can cause injuries or digestive problems. Prevent your dog from eating snow, which may contain harmful substances like road salt.

After walks, thoroughly clean your dog’s paws and check for injuries or trapped debris. Apply a soothing cream to keep their paws healthy. Avoid frequent baths in winter, as this can strip the skin of natural oils, reducing cold protection. Regular brushing is important to remove dead undercoat and maintain healthy skin and fur.

Creating a Comfortable Environment Indoors

Ensure your home is a warm, comfortable haven for your pets during winter. Provide extra bedding and blankets for them to snuggle into. Keep their sleeping area away from drafts and cold floors.

Consider using a humidifier if your home gets particularly dry in winter. Dry air can affect your pet’s skin and respiratory system.

Nutrition and Hydration

Proper nutrition is essential in winter. Provide a balanced diet rich in essential nutrients. Ensure continuous access to clean, unfrozen water to keep your pets well-hydrated.

Remember, winter care for pets goes beyond just keeping them warm. It’s about adjusting their entire care routine to ensure they stay healthy and comfortable throughout the season. Your attentive care will help your pets enjoy the winter months safely and happily.

How often should I wash my pet in winter?

In winter, it is not recommended to wash cats and dogs too often, as this may cause them to become overcooled. If your pet gets very dirty, it is better to use dry shampoo or special wet wipes to clean the fur.

How do I protect my pet from hypothermia during the winter season?

During the winter season, it is important to provide your pet with adequate shelter, a warm bed, and warm dog clothing. You should also limit the amount of time your pet spends outside in cold weather.

Can I feed my pet other foods in the winter?

To keep your pet healthy, it is important to follow the same diet that you use during the warm season during the winter. However, you can add more nutritious ingredients to their diet, such as chicken broth or chunks of meat.

What type of activity is appropriate for my pet during the winter season?

During the winter season, it may be too cold outside for long walks. Instead, you can do indoor activities such as playing or exercising. You can also go indoors, such as petting zoos or halls.

What type of dental care for my pet is important in the winter?

During the winter season, your pet may get less exercise outdoors, which can lead to dental and gum health problems. It’s important to continue brushing your pet’s teeth regularly and using chew toys to help them maintain healthy teeth and gums.

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Dog Grill Poisoning: Danger and Prevention Mon, 13 Mar 2023 20:18:30 +0000 I understand your request for a more detailed and comprehensive text. Let's delve deeper into the topic of safely barbecuing with dogs, covering more aspects and providing thorough advice. Barbecuing is a favorite pastime as soon as the sunshine beckons us outdoors. While the smell of grilled meats like bratwurst and steak fills the air, it's essential to be aware of the risks this poses to our four-legged companions. Here's an extensive guide on how to safely enjoy barbecuing with your dog.

Understanding the Risks of Barbecue Foods for Dogs

The temptation of grilled foods can be hard to resist for dogs, but it's crucial to understand why certain barbecue items are hazardous to them.

  1. Bone Fragments: Leftover bones, especially from chicken, can splinter and cause intestinal blockages or punctures. This can lead to life-threatening situations requiring immediate veterinary attention.
  2. Spicy and Seasoned Foods: Seasonings used in barbecue can upset a dog's digestive system. Ingredients like garlic, onions, and certain spices are toxic to dogs and can cause gastrointestinal distress.
  3. High-Fat Content: Foods high in fat, like certain cuts of meat and sausages, can lead to pancreatitis in dogs, a painful and potentially dangerous inflammation of the pancreas.
  4. Aujeszky's Disease: Also known as pseudorabies, this disease is transmitted to dogs through raw or undercooked pork. It affects the central nervous system and can be fatal.

How to Respond to Barbecue-Related Emergencies in Dogs

If your dog consumes hazardous barbecue food, quick action is necessary:

  • For Bone Ingestion: Do not attempt to induce vomiting as this can cause further damage. Contact your vet immediately.
  • For Gastrointestinal Distress: If your dog shows signs of distress after consuming spicy or high-fat foods, provide plenty of water and rest. If symptoms persist, consult your vet.
  • For Suspected Aujeszky's Disease: This requires urgent veterinary attention. There's no cure, but early intervention can manage symptoms.

Preventive Measures During Barbecue Events

Prevention is key when it comes to keeping your dog safe during a barbecue.

  • Secure the Grill Area: Keep your dog away from the grill. Hot surfaces and splattering grease can cause burns. 
  • Safe Disposal of Leftovers: Dispose of bones and fatty leftovers securely to prevent your dog from scavenging.
  • Distract Your Dog: Engage your dog with toys or a play session away from the grill area.
  • Educate Guests: Inform your guests not to feed your dog any scraps. Instead, have dog-appropriate treats available.
  • Regular Feeding: Feed your dog before the event starts to reduce their temptation to seek out food.
  • Monitoring: Keep a watchful eye on your dog throughout the event to prevent any sneaky snacking.

Creating a Safe and Enjoyable Barbecue Experience for Your Dog

With some planning and vigilance, you can ensure a fun and safe barbecue experience for your dog.

  • Set Up a Dog-Friendly Zone: Designate a safe area for your dog, equipped with water, shade, and their favorite toys.
  • Consider a Dog-Sitter: If you're hosting a large event, consider having someone dedicated to watching your dog.
  • After Barbecue Care: Post-barbecue, check your yard for any food remnants or hazardous items that might have been overlooked.

By understanding the risks and taking appropriate measures, you can enjoy the barbecue season with your furry friend in tow, ensuring they stay safe, healthy, and happy.

Can my pet get poisoned from grilling?

Yes, if your dog eats food that has been grilled that contains ingredients that are dangerous to animals, such as onions, garlic, chocolate or bones, it can lead to poisoning.

What signs of poisoning in a dog might indicate that he ate something that was cooked on the grill?

Symptoms of poisoning in a dog may include vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, unusual salivation and general weakness.

What should I do if my dog has grill poisoning?

If you suspect your dog has had grill poisoning, see your veterinarian immediately. It is best to bring a sample of what was eaten so the veterinarian can quickly determine what caused the poisoning and provide appropriate treatment.

How can I prevent grill poisoning in my dog?

Dogs should not eat food that has been grilled. In order to avoid accidentally eating such food, you should remove leftovers, secure the grill and keep your pet supervised while it is cooking.

What ingredients used in grilling can be dangerous to my dog?

Dangerous ingredients for dogs include marinade, onions, garlic, chocolate, alcohol, and bones, which can cause strangulation and intestinal perforation.

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Understanding Heat Stroke in Dogs Mon, 13 Mar 2023 19:43:51 +0000 Despite numerous warnings, many pet owners still leave their dogs in cars during hot days, leading to dangerous situations. The interior of a car under the scorching sun quickly becomes an oven-like environment, posing a serious threat to your pet's life. This article aims to educate dog owners about the symptoms of heat stroke and how to ensure their pet's well-being during summer.

The Hidden Danger: Cars as Ovens

Dogs, beloved for their loyalty, often accompany their owners in cars, particularly in summer. However, this can lead to tragic outcomes. Inside a parked car, temperatures can soar above 50°C, rapidly inducing heatstroke and potentially causing circulatory system disorders in dogs.

Dogs and Temperature Regulation

Unlike humans who have sweat glands all over their bodies, dogs lack this mechanism for cooling down. They rely on their noses and panting to regulate body temperature. Factors such as breed, weight, skull shape, and fur length can affect how quickly a dog overheats.

Recognizing Heat Stroke in Dogs

It's crucial to recognize the signs of heat stroke in dogs, especially during summer. Symptoms include excessive panting, shallow breathing, very red mucous membranes, and staggering. Immediate cooling actions, such as finding shade and using a damp cloth, are essential.

Dog Care in Summer

Preventing Heat Stroke in Dogs

Prevention is key when it comes to protecting your dog from heat stroke. Avoid strenuous activities during peak heat hours and ensure they have access to cool, shaded areas. Adjust walks and exercise routines to cooler parts of the day.

Safe Car Travels with Your Dog

When traveling with your dog in summer, use air conditioning and avoid overcrowding the car. Plan regular breaks for your dog to drink and move around in a shaded area. Remember, the front passenger seat is not a safe place for your pet during travels.

The Fatal Mistake: Leaving a Dog in a Hot Car

Never leave your dog alone in a car during summer. Temperatures can reach extreme levels quickly, posing a severe risk to your pet's health. In extreme cases, even temperatures as low as 26°C can be dangerous for dogs.

What Can Passersby Do?

If you notice a dog left in a hot car, seek help from nearby stores or bystanders. In cases where the dog appears to be in immediate danger, contacting emergency services is advisable.

Emergency Actions for Dogs in Hot Cars

In extreme situations where a dog's health is at risk, breaking the car window can be justified. Owners who endanger their pets in this way may be liable for emergency service costs and can face legal consequences under the Animal Welfare Act.

Why is the heat in the car dangerous for a dog?

The heat in a car can cause your dog’s body to overheat, which can cause serious illness and even death. Dogs can’t sweat as much as humans, so their bodies can’t regulate temperature fast enough to keep them from overheating.

How quickly can a dog overheat in a car?

Answer: Even at a relatively low temperature of 26 degrees Celsius, the temperature inside a car can reach 32 degrees Celsius after 10 minutes and 55 degrees Celsius after 60 minutes. This can cause the dog’s body to overheat and lead to dangerous consequences.

How can I prevent my dog from overheating in the car?

Never leave your dog in the car in hot weather, even for a short time. If you want to leave your dog in the car, make sure the windows are open palm-wide to allow air to circulate. Place a large bowl of water for your dog to drink if he gets thirsty. You may also want to consider using the air conditioning system in the car to keep the dog cool.

What are the symptoms of a dog’s body overheating?

Symptoms of a dog’s body overheating may include an elevated body temperature (over 39.5 degrees Celsius), extreme thirst, weakness, vomiting, diarrhea, restlessness and even loss of consciousness. If you notice these symptoms in your dog, stop exposing him to the heat immediately and see your veterinarian for medical attention.

What should I do if I see my dog left in a car in hot weather?

If you see a dog left in a car in hot weather, try to find the owner of the car right away. If you can’t find the owner, call your local police or animal services and let them know about the situation. If you think the dog is in danger, you can try to open the car window to allow air to circulate. But remember, this may be illegal and dangerous, so be sure to notify the police.

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